Title: | Hie’ Kommie Bokke! |
Track Listing: | 1 Hie’ Kommie Bokke 5:35 2 Ag Pleeze Daddy 3:06 3 Bang Johanna 3:00 4 Achie Breakie Ear 3:17 5 Dink Jy Daarem Nog Aan Doc 3:09 6 Gauteng 2:21 7 Ipi Koppie 3:11 8 Hippo In ‘N Skrum 3:32 9 Pretty Kabousie 2:34 10 Gee Hom Gas 2:54 11 Ek Soek Die Bokke 2:19 12 Champions Unplugged 6:54 Personally autographed by Leon. |
Country: | South Africa |
Catalogue Number: | CDRPM1436 |
New/Used: | New (CD is unplayed – opened to have signed. May show slight imperfections) |
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